

Hello! My name is Masaki Kawashima, and I am very excited to be a staff member at this Autumn’s Cricket Blast. Here’s a brief introduction.
I started playing cricket in my first year at university, playing for Wyverns Cricket Club. In my second year, I was selected for the University national team and where we had a tour of Hong Kong. By my third year I was captain of my university team where we won the national championship!

In cricket, batting is my favourite. I particularly like that you can hit the ball 360 degrees. Everything that would be called a foul in baseball, can be runs scored in cricket. Cricket Blast participants can also try their hand at batting, figuring out where to hit the ball to score runs. I’m sure you’ll find cricket to be a lot of fun!
I look forward to seeing you all at Cricket Blast!
Don’t forget to register here to join in the fun! https://japancricketblast.com/blog/register/