スタッフ紹介 – チェルシー



コーチングを始めたのは16歳の頃からです。現在は昭島ジュニアクリケットクラブのコーチをしています。 選手の皆さんに新しいスキルを教えたり、ウィケットを取った時やランをした時の皆さんの笑顔を見るのが大好きです。



Hello! My name is Chelsea, I’m from Australia and moved to Akishima in 2019.

I first started playing cricket when I was 10 years old. I played premier cricket for Dandenong and have been fortunate to represent and captain Victoria Country at the Australian Country Championships.

I first started coaching when I was 16 years old, and I am the current coach of the Akishima Junior Cricket Club. I love teaching players new skills, and seeing their big smiles when they take a wicket or make a run.

I’m so excited for Cricket Blast to be back outdoors in Akishima this Autumn. Let’s have fun playing cricket together!

Don’t forget to register here to join in the fun! https://japancricketblast.com/blog/register/
