絶好のクリケット日和に恵まれ、「クリケットブラスト関東大会」は最高に盛り上がった。3月28日(土)田沼高校跡地グラウンドで、100人をこす選手たちがトロフィーをかけて 戦った。
今回の参加チームの多くは初対戦の顔合わせが多く、どのチームがトロフィーを手にするか、誰もが胸を躍らせ、ワクワクしながら試合を見守った。インディアン・スクールは最強の優勝候補ではあるが、昭島サンダース、千葉モンスターズ、地元チームの田沼ブルース、佐 野オリオンズもトロフィーを狙い、初戦から自信あふれる戦いぶりをみせた。
佐野オリオンズはファイナルの対戦では最悪の状況だった。4勝と、対モンスターズ戦では 接戦の末僅差で敗れている。つまり、ランのトータルスコアからいえば、セミファイナルで 敗退することになる。
準決勝の対戦は、グラウンド1で田沼ブルース対インディアン・フェニックス、グラウンド2で千葉モンスターズ対インディアン・ヒドラの戦いとなった。田沼ブルースはその力を見せ つけるようにフェニックスに楽々と勝利し、一方ヒドラはモンスターズをくだし、田沼ブルースとインディアン・ヒドラが決勝戦で正面からぶつかり合った。
いよいよ決勝!ホームチームが最初のバッティング。初球でウィケットを失ったにもかかわらず、126というスコアをたたき出した。タイガナカガワとニマコデラの好打者ペアの力だ。最初の投球2球はシックスを打たれるも、田沼は投手マサヒロモトジマの最後のオーバーで 2つのウィケットを取り返し、ヒドラは77という結果に終わった。ホームチームの快勝だった。
優勝チーム 田沼ブルースメンバー
カズマサタカハシ、ナオキシノザキ、ヒロキシノザキ、タイガナカガワ、ニマコデラ、マサ ヒロモトジマ

In perfect weather for cricket, the inaugural ‘Cricket Blast Kanto Cup’ took place at Tanuma High School on Saturday 28th March with more than 100 players going for the trophy.
All four Kanto regions were represented among the 14 teams, as each played three group games in the morning before two knock-out matches after lunch.
The Japan Cricket Association were also delighted to see so many supporters and helpers present with total numbers on the day approaching 200.
As it was the first time that many of these teams have played each other there was much interest in who would be crowned Champions. The Indian School have always been strong competitors but the Akishima Thunder, Chiba Monstars and two home teams Tanuma Blues and Sano Orions were all confident at the start.
For the three teams from Akishima this was the first time coming to Tanuma and seeing the home of cricket in Japan. It was also their first opportunity to play on a grass outfield rather than the traditional elementary school playground.
Sano Orions were perhaps the most unlucky team in the final placings, finishing with four wins and one very close defeat to the Monstars, which meant they missed out on the Semi-Finals by virtue of total runs scored.
After topping the group the Tanuma Blues would play the Indian Phoenix in Semi-Final 1, while the Monstars would take on the Indian Hydra’s in Semi-Final 2. The Blues continued their strong showing with a comfortable win against the Phoenix before the Hydras joined them in the final by overcoming the Monstars.
Come the final the home side batted first and despite losing a wicket first ball, went on to score 126 with Taiga Nakagawa & Nima Kodera joint top-scorers. Despite their first two deliveries being hit for six, Tanuma recovered to take two wickets in the final over from Masahiro Motojima as the Hydras finished on 77, meaning a comfortable win for the home team.
All in all a fantastic day was had by everyone and special thanks goes to all those who helped out on the day and all the managers for bringing their teams from across the Kanto Region to take part.
Winning Team – Tanuma Blues:
Kazumasa Takahashi, Naoki Shinozaki, Hiroki Shinozaki, Taiga Nakagawa, Nima Kodera & Masahiro Motojima (C).