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東西交流戦 in 昭島市営陸上競技場




関東女子120-54関西女子 関東男子162-86関西男子





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Cricket Blast School Cup in Sano / クリケットブラスト・スクールカップ 佐野

クリケットブラスト・スクールカップ 佐野





11時45分、皆が涼しいテントの下でランチタイムだった。午後には日本クリケット協会佐野支部事務局長 上原良崇の楽しいゲームでスクールカップは更に盛り上がった。午後には残りの二試合が行われた。









The 2014 Japan Cricket Association School Cup was held in Sano on Saturday 24th May 2014 at Tanuma High School. The weather was hot and the sun was shining – perfect conditions for cricket!

Sano School Cup (14)

This year five teams were present to battle for the trophy and the eventual winners were Ishizuka Elementary School who were very well led by their captain Nimah san, who just edged out their rivals Sano Elementary.

Sano School Cup (11)

There were two large pitches for the teams to play on, and a third acting as a training pitch for the team not involved. Parents and volunteers were also able to bat against their children in this third area and allowed a greater understanding of cricket to develop among the families who came to watch.

Sano School Cup (35)

The day began with a short speech form a representative of the Sports and Recreation Association who encouraged all the players to do their best, before a breif demonstration and explanation of the rules. Games were underway by 10am and lasted around 45 minutes each.

Lunch was taken in the shade of the Cricket Blast tents at 11:45 and afterwards Yoshi Uehara, the Japan Cricket Association Development Officer for North Kanto, led the children in a few fun games before the last two cricket matches were played.

By 14:30 Ishizuka had been crowned Champions and lifted the trophy to warm applause from the teams they had beaten along the way. With every team playing four matches it meant that everyone played each other and Ishizuka were the only team unbeaten at the end – a fantastic achievement.

Sano School Cup (22)

There was some great cricket on display and after the trophy was presented and certificates awarded to each of the schools for taking part a soft mini-cricket ball was given to each of the participants as a thank you.

The Japan Cricket Association would like to extend special thanks to Chris Gorrie and Cameron Tradell from Cricket Australia who gave coaching to the children throughout the day, and to all the volunteers who gave their time to make the event such a success.

We are excited about hosting a second competition later in the year and all the details for that will appear on this website.



Cricket Blast School Cup In Akishima / クリケットブラスト・スクールカップ 昭島

クリケットブラスト・スクールカップ 昭島

5月18日(日)つつじが丘南小学校においてクリケットブラスト・スクールカップが開かれた。東京のスクールカップの開催はこれが初めてだ。全部で11チームが競った。1チーム6人編成。地元の子供たちのチームに加えて、British Sch.とIndian Sch. からもそれぞれ2チームが参加した。

午前9時に集合、天気は最高だ。10時には、日本クリケット協会昭島担当 宮地ベベが開会を宣言。クリケットが初めての子供たちのために、デモンストレーションと短いルール説明、そしてゲームがスタートした。



3ラウンドの試合の後、決勝戦に進むチームが決定した。Indian Sch.と、拝島第二小学校チームが優勝トロフィーをかけて戦った。3位決定戦はBritish Sch.の2チームの試合になった。

接戦の末、13ランの差でIndian Sch.が優勝した。この日はクリケットとしても最高のプレーが見られた。優勝チームにはトロフィーを、参加した学校には参加修了証が贈られ、さらに参加者全員にミニクリケットボールがプレゼントされた。ほとんどのチームが4試合戦い、熱気溢れる楽しい一日になった。






The first ever Tokyo Cricket Blast School Cup was held in Akishima on Sunday 18th May 2014 at Minami Tsutsujigaoka Elementary School.


In total there were 11 teams competing, with each team being made up of 6 players. There were several teams from the area as well as two representative teams from both the British and Indian schools. In perfect weather the teams began to arrive at 9am and at 10am the introduction was made by the Japan Cricket Association Development Officer for West Kanto, Bebe Miyaji.

This was followed by a demonstration for those new to the game and explanation of the rules. Although space was a little tight there were five grounds hosting matches throughout the day and the one team that was not involved was kept entertained with catching games and some batting practise around the edges.


Each game took just 45 minutes and by the time lunch was taken at 12:30 and already there were plenty of smiling faces and lots of people enjoying cricket for the first time. The lunch break also featured the sprinklers being turned on – which caught some people by surprised but also helped many of the children cool down after being in the sun for two hours!

After the third round of matches the finalists were decided. One team from the Indian School would play the local team from Haijima Ni for the trophy, while the British School had two teams playing off for 3rd and 4th place.


The final was very close but in the end the Indian School were the winners by 13 runs. There was some great cricket on display and after the trophy was presented and certificates awarded to each of the schools for taking part a soft mini-cricket ball was given to each of the participants as a thank you.


It was an excellent day with most teams playing four matches and we are excited about hosting a similar competition later in the year. Details on that event will be posted here once confirmed. Special thanks go to Chris Gorrie from Cricket Australia who gave coaching to the children throughout the day, and to Minami Tsutsujigaoka Elementary School for allowing us to use their facilities, as well as all the volunteers who gave so much of their time.
